Chaela’s Corner: Boundaries

by Chaela
1506 views 2 min read

This week’s topic will be BOUNDARIES and LIMITATIONS.

When we think about boundaries in terms of emotional wellbeing, we often think about the treatment that we allow from others. However, I want to focus on the boundaries that we put on ourselves… having the understanding to know when we should place them on ourselves. We are often told not to place boundaries or limitations on ourselves. However, lack of doing so can be unhealthy. Placing boundaries and limiting yourself doesn’t necessarily mean that you are holding yourself back. It’s OK to acknowledge that not everything has to be done NOW, or at all. Understand that giving yourself boundaries and limitations are needed to maintain overall health, balance and avoid burnout.

Recently, I’ve been wanting to reach out to someone that has been toxic to me since entering my life. This person is going through a challenging time in life and regardless as to how I’ve been treated, I still care about said person. Call it a fault. I debated with myself on this for almost two weeks before deciding to continue to keep my distance. By consciously placing this emotional boundary on myself because I am protecting my energy and emotions.

One important boundary that I place on myself is not reading-as much as I’d like to- when I know that I need to dedicate time to my schooling. In terms of limitations, I am currently easing back into my fitness journey and certain exercises to avoid pain and burnout. I even decided to turn down a new business venture thus limiting a source of income… Why? Because I know that I can’t be fully invested right now, and I need to limit the amount of task that I take on. These are just examples, and it will be different for each of us and different situations and opportunities.

Reflection Time:

These next two weeks, take some time consider what boundaries or things you should limit for yourself for your wellbeing. Be gentle with yourself in doing, stay productive and keep your goals and plan of action in mind.

Peace, Love and Light until next time!

Image: A depiction of boundary line [Source: Nourish Your Mind]

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1 comment

Marleah October 4, 2021 - 11:22 am

So many good points. I’ve been working on limiting what I say yes to and not over committing. I always want to be a part of everything but sometimes I fatigue myself by doing so. So workong on that.


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