Introducing Chaela’s Corner

by Just Juan
1642 views 1 min read

As I noted a couple of weeks ago, there are several new features coming down the pike at The Book of Juan. One of those features is Chaela’s Corner. As I promised in the open of this blog 8 years ago, I want to allow guest bloggers and contributors to write posts here. That’s exactly the purpose of this new series.

Chaela’s Corner will be the biweekly musings of Michaela Hughes—a mother, a full-time student, a veteran, a millennial, and a Californian. As a fellow civil engineer and former Air Force 3E6X1 like yours truly, we first crossed paths at Osan Air Base in South Korea as she served as my liaison to the Base Civil Engineer during my farewell special assignment in the Air Force. A good friendship was forged and today, she’s one of my go-to people for laughs and interesting opinions/views on social media. I’m happy to provide her with the opportunity to dip her toes into the blog world.

It’s my hope that she won’t be long for us, here at The Book of Juan, and that she’ll start her own blog. But while we have her, I look forward to reading about her thoughts and experiences. Look out for her first post in a few days.

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